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Karuta 6,2/10 1741 votes

山神カルタ やまがみかるた/Karuta Yamagami 見習いの烏天狗。立派な天狗となるべく、日々山で修行に勤しむ。休みの日は、内緒で人里まで降りたりしているとか、いないとか。翼は自由に出し入れできる。 Twitter Youtube ©2017 Ichikara Inc. 競技かるた - Competitive Karuta - 札押し、から札、お手つき、送り札など競技かるたの公式ルールを再現。全日本かるた協会公認の百人一首取札(大石天狗堂製)やA級公認読手による読み上げを採用しており、実際の競技かるたに近い感覚でプレイできます。.

  1. Karuta is a common card in Japan. This game has traditionally been played for hundreds of years in Japan, dating back to some of the most famous Japanese dynasties. It's a good game for children who are too young to understand more.
  2. Karuta's language is an object oriented scripting language. The syntax is similar to recently popular programming languages like JavaScript, Python, Go or so on. Minimum code looks like as follows.

Our mission is to spread poetry and karuta all over the world

Click Here to See the game in action! (Instagram)

Purchase directly from our online shop or Amazon or through our selected retailers.

We specialize in making karutas in different languages since 2009.

You can play karuta like Chihayafuru with our Ogoola English Karuta or the Hyakuninisshu English Karuta.

Ogoola Karuta is an English version of the game karuta. The rules are based on the ancient Japanese poetry card game called karuta. This karuta uses famous quotations of classical and modern poems written in English. For the first time in history, you can play karuta with English, American, Irish and Scottish poems.

Karuta is over 400 years old in Japan. Today, there are over one million karuta players competing in clubs and the National championship is held every year in January. Due to the manga and anime Chihayafuru, karuta has become known worldwide.

Karuta Discord Bot

Karuta is about listening and being FAST. You need one person to be the reader and a tleast two players to compete. A reader reads a poem or a poetry quote aloud. The players search and grab the matching playing card being read. Grab the right card first to win!

A free reader app is available in both Android and iOS devices. A reader app can act as the reader if everyone wants to play or you are only two persons. The poetry readings are also on Spotify so you can find the readings in the albums Ogoola Karuta English Classics and Modern on Spotify.

In addition to the Ogoola Karuta we offer the Hyakuninisshu English translated Karuta. This karuta is an English translated karuta of the original OguraHyakunin-isshu. Ogura Hyakunin-isshu is the anthology of the one hundred classical Japanese poems (waka) written by one hundred poets which is used in this game.

This is the karuta that Chihayafuru plays with. This karuta features the original Japanese karuta from Shogundo on one side, and the English translations on the other side. The English translation is translated by Clay MacCauley. He follows the the original 575-77 syllables of the Waka form. Therefore you can sing the poems in the original melody and rhythm as sung in the karuta tournaments in Japan.

Experience Japanese culture and the world of poetry through karuta! Fun and laughter is guaranteed!


Karuta Vote

Click below and listen to the Hyakuninisshu English Translated Karuta, using the original Makurakotoba, Chihayaburu.

Karuta Roromiya


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